f_lib.aws.aws_lambda.type_defs module

Type definitions for AWS Lambda.

class f_lib.aws.aws_lambda.type_defs.LambdaCognitoIdentity[source]

Bases: TypedDict

Amazon Cognito identity that authorized a request.

cognito_identity_id: str

The authenticated Amazon Cognito identity.

cognito_identity_pool_id: str

The Amazon Cognito identity pool that authorized the invocation.

class f_lib.aws.aws_lambda.type_defs.LambdaClientContextMobileClient[source]

Bases: TypedDict

Mobile client information.

app_package_name: str

The client app package name.

app_title: str

The client app title.

app_version_code: str

The client app version code.

app_version_name: str

The client app version name.

installation_id: str

The client installation ID.

class f_lib.aws.aws_lambda.type_defs.LambdaClientContext[source]

Bases: TypedDict

Client context that’s provided to Lambda by the client application.

client: LambdaClientContextMobileClient

Mobile client information.

custom: dict[str, Any]

A dict of custom values set by the mobile client application.

env: dict[str, Any]

A dict of environment information provided by the AWS SDK.

class f_lib.aws.aws_lambda.type_defs.LambdaContext[source]

Bases: object

When a Function is invoked, it passes a context object to the handler.

This object provides methods and properties that provide information about the invocation, function, and execution environment.

aws_request_id: str

The identifier of the invocation request.

client_context: LambdaClientContext | None

(mobile apps) Client context that’s provided to Lambda by the client application.

function_name: str

The name of the Lambda function.

function_version: str

The version of the Lambda function.

identity: LambdaCognitoIdentity | None

(mobile apps) Information about the Amazon Cognito identity that authorized the request.

invoked_function_arn: str

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that’s used to invoke the function. Indicates if the invoker specified a version number or alias.

log_group_name: str

The log group for the function.

log_stream_name: str

The log stream for the function instance.

memory_limit_in_mb: int

The amount of memory that’s allocated for the function.

static get_remaining_time_in_millis() int[source]

Number of milliseconds left before the execution times out.

This is a “mock” method that will always return 0.

class f_lib.aws.aws_lambda.type_defs.LambdaSqsEventRecordAttributes[source]

Bases: TypedDict

Attributes of an SQS message that are set by the SQS service.

ApproximateFirstReceiveTimestamp: str

The time the message was first received from the queue (epoch time in milliseconds).

ApproximateReceiveCount: str

The number of times a message has been received from the queue but not deleted.

SenderId: str

ID for IAM user/role/etc that sent the message.

SentTimestamp: str

The time the message was sent to the queue (epoch time in milliseconds).

class f_lib.aws.aws_lambda.type_defs.LambdaSqsEventMessageAttributes[source]

Bases: TypedDict

Optional metadata that can be added to an SQS message.


Name: str

The message attribute value.

Type: str

The message attribute data type.

Supported types include String, Number, and Binary.

Value: bytes | float | int | str

The message attribute value.

class f_lib.aws.aws_lambda.type_defs.LambdaSqsEventRecord[source]

Bases: TypedDict

Record from a Lambda invocation event from an SQS Queue.

attributes: LambdaSqsEventRecordAttributes

Attributes of an SQS message that are set by the SQS service.

awsRegion: str

AWS region code where the Queue is located.

body: str

The message’s contents (not URL-encoded).

eventSource: str

AWS service that the event came from.

eventSourceARN: str

ARN of the AWS resource that the event came from.

md5OfBody: str

An MD5 digest of the non-URL-encoded message body string.

messageId: str

A unique identifier for the message.

A messageId is considered unique across all AWS accounts for an extended period of time.

messageAttributes: list[LambdaSqsEventMessageAttributes]

Optional metadata that can be added to an SQS message.

receiptHandle: str

An identifier associated with the act of receiving the message.

A new receipt handle is returned every time you receive a message. When deleting a message, you provide the last received receipt handle to delete the message.

class f_lib.aws.aws_lambda.type_defs.LambdaSqsEvent[source]

Bases: TypedDict

Lambda invocation event from an SQS Queue.

Records: list[LambdaSqsEventRecord]

List of SQS messages.